HERE'S TO 2021


2020 is over. A year that, for most of us, was pretty dang hard. But the optimism that comes with a new year, a clean slate, only really matters if we do something about it. If we really want this to be OUR year, we have to implement habits that will change the outcome regardless of the circumstances this year brings. We wanted to list for you a few things that we are doing to make this the best year yet. Some of them are a bit cliche, but do NOT underestimate the power of a cliche. They’re common advice for a reason so don’t write it off! Try it with us :)

  1. Write out your goals for the year and put them somewhere you will see them often - this is huge and there is a reason you hear it all the time! Taking the time to sit down and write out your goals means you are being intentional about chasing them. Putting them somewhere you can see them and remind yourself what you’re after means you are being intentional AND wise enough to remind yourself to make the choices that will get you to those goals. Dream big.

  2. Be really wise about your close circle (friends) - If it’s true that you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with, then you better make sure that those 5 people are incredible. I, for one, don’t want to become like someone that isn’t full of love, light, ambition, servant heartedness, genius, etc. It’s time to get critical about who we are spending most of our time with. This will shape your year dramatically. And that’s not to say you are kind and loving and friendly to everyone! It is simply asking the question of who is influencing you?

  3. Drink a TON of water - yes we know you have heard this over and over. But if you want better digestion, skin, focus, body, etc…. you know the drill. Bottoms up

  4. Read more, screen less - Think about this. If you took two hours each day that you were typically on your phone or watching a movie or Netflix or messing around on your computer or iPad unnecessarily, in 12 days that 24 hours! In 24 days that’s 48 hours! The time adds up SO FAST. Bring a book with you and in times that you are bored or want to turn to social media or Netflix for some “me-time,” try reading. You are growing your knowledge, your attention span, your focus, your imagination. You are cutting out comparison, judgement, mindless entertainment, basically brain dead time. Make a list of books you really want to read this year and get to it. Leaders are readers ;)

  5. Fuel your body and mind with whole foods - We’ve hit on this a few times, but what you eat is so important. Like, come on. We all have enough knowledge by now to know that the processed junk isn’t doing anything for you. Yes, we love a cheat meal/dessert every now and then! But what is your “usual”? If you eat really good, one pizza or ice cream won’t make you fat/unhealthy. If you eat really bad, one salad won’t make you fit/healthy. Change the usual.

  6. Be a giver, a servant - 2020 had a lot of teaching on self-love and self-care and just self in general. But we believe it to be true when in the Bible it says, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Yes, take care of your self. Yes, love yourself. We aren’t against any of that! But remember that it’s not all about yourself. It’s about others just as much as it is about you. And a lot of your problems will seem much smaller when you focus on being a blessing to others rather than being a blessing to yourself. Make this a year of loving others from the overflow of your filled up cup. Imagine how different of a world we could make, serving and giving and loving, together.

New YEAR, forever growing and changing US. Let’s be better. More driven, more disciplined, more full of love, more selfless. We really can change the world, starting with ourselves and our little circles.

We love you!

Cierra and Aubrey