
It’s almost fall and on top of that we are still dealing with this pandemic. There has been so much talk about “when will we get a cure or a vaccine?” but I think the more important thing to focus on is natural prevention of illness. AKA, building your immune system so you don’t even get sick in the first place! Here are some great tips to stay healthy. Make it a lifestyle!

  1. The food you eat.

    1. Vitamin C rich - It naturally boosts your immune system and helps fight off viruses by increasing your white blood cell count.. Oranges, grapefruit, broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, bell peppers, and so much more.

    2. Vitamin A rich - These foods are great for a different reason. Vitamin A! This nutrient helps fortify your immune system. Sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, and more.

    3. Turmeric - This superfood has been used since ancient times as a remedy and immune system builder because of it’s anti-inflammatory properties.

    4. Garlic - This is a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent that is so easy to incorporate into your diet.

    5. GREENS - You can never have too many greens! We even gave you a delicious smoothie recipe last blog post to help you get a ton into your diet. These are packed with antioxidants and give you vitamins A and C as well as fiber and calcium to keep you super healthy.

  2. The food you DON’T eat.

    1. Sugar - just please avoid processed sugar. It is the number one thing that can get, and keep, you sick. It reduces your white blood cells ability to fight off bacteria. It also increases inflammation. Just avoid it at all costs whether it’s in food or beverage form. Check the labels!

    2. Dairy - There are many ways that dairy is harmful for humans. Without getting too technical, the way Caesin A1 (the main protein in milk) is broken down in our bodies makes it into a very harmful compound: BCM7. This compound causes inflammation in the small intestine and negatively affects the immune system. Just skip the dairy!

    3. Highly processed foods - I’m gonna keep this one simple, they just don’t have any of the nutrients or vitamins that your body needs to build up your immune system. They’re empty calories and cause more harm than good. Even though they’re convenient, just try to eat things that are as close to their natural form as possible!

  3. Vitamin D - Most people are actually Vitamin D deficient. Even if you tan all the time, you still should be taking a supplement! If you are Vitamin D deficient your immune system is more susceptible to infection. If you take anything away from this post, make sure it is this! Get the supplement!

  4. Sleep - Your immune system suffers when you don’t get enough sleep. When you are sleeping is when your body creates and releases cytokines, the protein that fights off infection and inflammation in the immune system.

  5. Hydration - If you’re dehydrated, you are reducing the levels of blood and lymphatic fluids that keep your immune system healthy. Chronic dehydration is one of the worst possible things for your immune system, so drink that water and avoid sugary drinks like soda and alcohol (and yes coffee if you have to add a lot of sweetener).

Hopefully this gave you some practical tips to keep your immune system healthy so you can live life to its fullest potential :)

All love!!