10 ways to use less plastic in 2020


Hey everyone! How crazy is it that it’s already 2020? Time is not slowing down.

With a new year, a lot of people make new years resolutions. Maybe yours included something about making better choices for the environment, or maybe it didn’t. Either way, we wanted to share with you a few easy ways that you can minimize your plastic use in 2020 and beyond! It’s unrealistic to think that everyone will live a plastic free life, but there are definitely a lot of simple ways that you can change your habits and cut back. Did you know that about 14 BILLION pounds of trash are dumped into the ocean every year? And that majority of that trash is plastic? That number is absurdly high, and we as consumers have the power to change that. While plastic is advertised as recyclable, a lot of it actually isn’t. Things like plastic wrap and plastic bags just end up in landfills, and a lot of times when people don’t see a recycling bin they just dump their plastics into the trash can anyways. We don’t necessarily experience the first hand repercussions of our actions in the United States because of the way this whole process works. Just about all of our trash we ship to countries and Asia and dump it there for them to deal with. It’s really sad how it’s affecting the health and well being of these beautiful people. If we can make any changes to our lifestyles, even if they are minor inconveniences, it is so worth it to stop punishing these people for our poor habits.

But this post is supposed to be encouraging and uplifting! Finding new ways to use less plastic can actually be really easy and it has become a fun challenge for us! So without further ado, here are five ways you can use less plastic:

  1. Reusable coffee mugs, water bottles, and straws

    By now most people have heard this suggestion, but it really helps so much. There are a lot of people out there that get multiple cups of coffee a day. Think about how much plastic that can add up to over a year, and then over a life time! There are some dope reusable mugs that you can purchase. And now a lot of coffee shops honor your efforts and give you a little discount. So eventually it’ll pay for itself, it’s a win-win! Here is a link to a coffee mug we love.

    Another thing you really should get, if you haven’t already, is a reusable water bottle. Not only do you use a TON of plastic if you religiously drink out of plastic water bottles, but they’re actually really harmful for you. The water in plastic water bottles sits there for a really long time before it’s ever even put on the shelf for you to purchase. Plastic is made from chemicals, so those chemicals end up in the water that you’re drinking. So even if it’s just for your health instead of the environment, we recommend drinking out of a reusable bottle. Here is a link to a reusable water bottle that we love. This bottle is so great because it purifies your water AND it is self-cleaning! So you don’t have to worry about icky build up or running it through the dishwasher all the time.

    Reusable straws have been a pretty hot topic, and it’s for good reason. This is a super simple way to cut down on plastic use. You can even keep one in your purse or backpack so that you’re always prepared. Here’s a link to some good metal straws, some bamboo straws, and a collapsable straw that would be perfect for the purse/backpack idea.

  2. Reusable shopping bags

    This is huge! Think of all the times that you go to the grocery store and use plastic bags. Or when you go to the shopping mall and walk out with your purchases in a brand new bag that you’ll just end up tossing. A lot of people just use these for grocery stores, and if that’s already you, good job! Next try expanding this habit to everywhere you shop. One good thing to do is make sure that you are disciplined in putting your bags back in your car once you are done unloading. I can’t tell you how many times I would forget my bags at home! It’s super frustrating when your intentions are good. So if you make yourself put them back in the trunk when you’re done, problem solved. Here’s a link to some good reusable shopping bags. These are so great because not only does it come with the big bag, but it also comes with some smaller bags. It has a few mesh bags for produce and things that need to breath, and also some smaller bags for things you buy in bulk like grains or nuts. It’s everything you need!

  3. Buy in bulk & buy whole foods

    Buying your food in bulk and buying whole, unprocessed foods will cut down on your plastic tremendously. Instead of buying prepackaged nuts or grains, bring your reusable bags and fill them up! And buying whole foods instead of snacks or meals that are individually wrapped in plastic is a game changer. This is one can seem daunting and scary if you are used to eating a more processed, prepackaged diet, but it is so worth it. Your body and mind (and the planet) will thank you. There are so many amazing plant based and whole food recipes out there now that I promise you won’t miss those snacks! If this is a big change for you, start small and try it with one meal a day. And then expand to two, and just keep going until it’s a habit. It’s a lifestyle change that will undoubtedly benefit you. When you are buying whole foods, avoid the produce that is wrapped in plastic wrap! That’s one of the types of plastic that is not recyclable. If we as the consumer refuse to buy whole foods that are pre-wrapped, eventually they will have to stop selling it because there won’t be a market for it.

  4. Glass tupperware, mason jars, and reusable snack bags

    Instead of wrapping your leftovers in plastic, but them in a glass tupperware container! And you know those grains and nuts that you are buying in bulk in your reusable shopping bags? Dump those into a mason jar when you get home! (Bonus: it makes your pantry look really cute). And they even have reusable snack bags now. You can throw a sandwich or some berries in there to pack for lunch instead of a plastic bag that you’ll just end up throwing away.

  5. Amber glass spray bottles

    These are great for things like cleaning supplies. There are a lot of home remedies out there that are just a google search away! If you are making your own cleaning supplies and putting them in these spray bottles, you cut down on a lot of plastic use.

  6. Shop in stores vs. online

    This might seem slightly counter intuitive since we are an online store, but we don’t use any plastic in our shipping for that exact reason! Think about the things that you receive in the mail when you shop online. They are almost always wrapped in plastic, unless it is an environmentally friendly shop like ours. Even the products that are linked in this blog post will ship with some type of plastic. So if you can find them in a store near you we definitely recommend that! But if you can’t, ordering something one time that you will use long term to cut down on your plastic use makes more sense than continuing to use unnecessary plastic daily. I know things like Amazon Prime have made it really easy to sit on the couch and order what you need, but if it is at all possible to purchase it near you, do that instead! Shop online only if needed.

  7. Refillable deodorant

    I just recently found out this is a thing, and I am obsessed! This company found a way to make refillable deodorant convenient. If you have a store near you that does this, I would recommend going that route. But if not, you can order some here and even set it up as recurring so that it delivers on the time interval that you set it to! It does take your body some detoxing to get used to deodorant without aluminum in it, but again, this is a change that is great for the planet AND your health. Absorbing those metals into our body is never a good thing!

  8. Swap your period products

    This one can be hard, but think about all of the plastic tampon applicators that you use throughout a lifetime… yikes! There are things like menstrual cups, tampons without applicators, and reusable applicators on the market now! I won’t link any because you should be able to easily find these wherever you get your products now, so do a little bit of searching and see if it works for you to make the switch!

  9. Thrift shop/shop consciously

    Fashion is fun. And shopping is fun. But it is 2020 now and just about everything that you want that is new has already been done before. Try finding what you are looking for in a second hand shop! And if that really doesn’t cut it for you, shop from brands that are actively trying to practice sustainability and make their clothes from either recycled goods or from natural sources (like cotton, silk, wool and linen). Synthetic materials (like nylon, polyester, and acrylic) are made from plastics. If it isn’t recycled synthetic, avoid it at all costs! That does mean saying good-bye to fast fashion stores, but the quality of your clothes will be much better and so will the planet.

  10. Hand wash synthetics

    If you do purchase synthetics, including recycled, make sure you hand wash them in cold water to minimize the amount of microfibers that they shed into the water that eventually ends up the ocean. We have a whole page dedicated to our bikini care that talks about this issue and how to minimize it, and you can apply the same methods to other synthetics you purchase.

So there you have it! Ten easy ways you can use less plastic in your life. We hope this was helpful to you and shed a little bit of clarity on the plastic problem and how a few lifestyle tweaks can make a big difference! We love to interact with you, so leave a comment or shoot us an email if you have suggestions or if you tried some of these tips and want to share your story.

All love,

Cierra & Aubrey